常識を超え、皆で駆け上がれBeyond common sense,
with everyone run up

常識を超え、皆で駆け上がれBeyond common sense,
with everyone run up

常識を超え、皆で駆け上がれBeyond common sense,
with everyone run up

We NEVER stop challenging ourselves – we are professional and QUIRKY

We NEVER stop challenging ourselves – we are professional and QUIRKY


COREKARA was founded with the vision of “Boosting online business” because we realized that 90% of standalone online stores in Japan are not successful.
With a determination to “bring momentum back to Japanese companies”, our company has been expanding for 10 years.

Even in the most challenging situation, we always find ideal solutions.
We’re never satisfied with the status quo. We consistently challenge and improve ourselves and keeping a venture mindset.

Here is the place where you can maximize your potential with the strongest weapon that only you possess, your originality.
Let’s create breakthrough innovation together.

これから”先も、一生ベンチャーな「どヘンタイ集団」 これから”先も、一生ベンチャーな「どヘンタイ集団」 これから”先も、一生ベンチャーな「どヘンタイ集団」

世の中を変える コレカラのサービスを創る

Change the world Create
corekara service

COREKARA was founded with the vision of “Boosting online business” because we realized that 90% of standalone online stores in Japan are not successful. With a determination to “bring momentum back to Japanese companies”, our company has been expanding for 10 years.

Even in the most challenging situation, we always find ideal solutions.
We’re never satisfied with the status quo. We consistently challenge and improve ourselves and keeping a venture mindset.

Here is the place where you can maximize your potential with the strongest weapon that only you possess, your originality.
Let’s create breakthrough innovation together.

世の中を変える コレカラのサービスを創る 世の中を変える コレカラのサービスを創る 世の中を変える コレカラのサービスを創る


About us

We believe that having diverse teams is crucial in leading us to our goal to “Create COREKARA services that will change the world.”

Having team members with a variety of cultures, personalities, and individual skills sparks innovation and creates values within our business – and that is our greatest strength.

Read the stories of our diverse empowered business here.



Our teams


In COREKARA, members embrace their individuality
and make the most out of their quirks for their
Read their stories here.










COREKARA Benefit system

See all

In house system

COREKARA original benefits that are in line with the diverse society

  • 勤労手当Longevity Allowance
  • 新規企画制度New Project Idea System
  • 資格取得手当Qualification Allowance
  • スキルアップ手当Skill Development Allowance
  • ジョブチェンジ制度Department Transfer System
  • レジェンド制度Legend System
  • スーパーフレックス制度Super Flex Time System
  • 育休・産休制度Parental and Maternity Leave System
  • 従業員紹介制度Employee Referral System
  • 海外進出PJ手当Global Expansion Project Allowance

See all

Generalist or Specialist

Career pass

We offer career paths that match your ideal self in the future.

Generalist: People who manage their circle or department.
Specialists: People who brush up their skills in a specific field.

We provide the best environment to all our employees who are eager to step up their careers depending on what their dreams are.

ゼネラリスト・スペシャリスト ゼネラリスト・スペシャリスト ゼネラリスト・スペシャリスト

型破りな力で 共に成長を。

型破りな力で 共に成長を。

With unconventional power,
Grow together.

Let’s embrace your uniqueness and build a strong and fun team together!